
Hey there ! My name is Gowtham Rangarajan Raman. I'm also called as rang among friends and poochi when im online.
I hack into linux kernel, android OS and ARM compilers apart from writing test suites, refactoring utilities for audio components during my dayjob here. I can turn nocturnal, at times, to satiate my passion for building software.I explore my creative side by writing apps for the web, mobile and at times Desktops. I enjoy reading research publications, implementing them and explaining it to other folks. I learn by doing and am certainly not afraid to jump tracks!

You can always find me working on something, be it developing a game, or a mobile app, or discussing math/programming problem with folks. I guess its part of the 'exploring' phase for a newbie.

I love elegant and terse solutions generally algorithmic in nature. I strive a lot to imbibe my philosophy (on simplicity and elegance) in my work.

I indulge in playing football, cycling and ocassionally reading tamil and sanskrit poetry. Its easy to be friends with me : say that you are a GAME OF THRONES fan

                *Valar Dohairis*

Do check out my repo.


Forgive me for indulging, read ahead only if you are curious enough !

I was strongly inclined towards math and phyics during my high school and during most of my college days. I had presented a talk at Physics Society of Madras on "Intuitive understanding of particle motion under Lorentz field" during my senior secondary years. Me and my friend, Pradhyumna, designed a graphical approach to count the number of solutions to Inverse Diophantine equations just after college. I take pleasure in solving project Euler problems (its a nice way to learn new concepts in math). I've taken quiet a number of coursera courses on programming.

"She danced with rapture, with passion, intoxicated by pleasure, forgetting all in the triumph of her beauty, in the glory of her success, in a sort of cloud of happiness comprised of all this homage, admiration, these awakened desires and of that sense of triumph which is so sweet to woman's heart." - The Necklace

  • I'm known as poochi whenever im online, wherever im online
  • I finished my undergrad in Electronics and Communication Engineering at NIT Trichy
  • I'm addicted to simplicity and elegance in Math, Programming and perhaps in life
  • I'm baffled by our Economic structure always wondering What prevents it from collapsing ?
  • An admirer of Raghuram Rajan and, my bestfriend,Chitra
  • I like reading, philosophical, short stories by Guy-De-Maupassant (The Necklace is my favourite)
  • I played cricket for my district as an off-break spin bowler and right-hand batsman

"When You are there to save me why indeed should I seek others? And should you decide not to save me, who else will dare intercede?" - Kaamsikasthakam (Sanskrit verses, as conversing with god, translated)

Thanks for reading!